Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Version 1.0 updated on 02/10/2023.

1. Introduction

Navigators of Brazil Medical Center values transparency in its relationship with its customers’ health. Therefore, we inform you that we collect personal data from visitors to this site to make the user experience more productive and enjoyable.

We guarantee that all data is collected and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, of August 14, 2018 (Law No. 13,709/18).

In this privacy policy, we explain how we collect and protect this information, as well as the user’s rights regarding their collected or provided data.

If your question is not answered in this policy, please contact us at the following email:

2. Personal Data

All information that allows the identification of the visitor, such as name, date of birth, email, phone number, cell phone number, location, etc., is considered personal data. This data may be collected when you browse this site or fill out the forms contained herein.

We collect this data to improve our services and establish communication with the user. If you choose not to provide them, there may be limitations in accessing the site.

2.1. Automatically Collected Information

When you access our site, we automatically receive technical data that helps us learn about your browser and operating system. These include: IP address (Internet Protocol), browser type and version, and operating system used for access.

2.2. Information Provided by the User

When you fill out any form on this site, we collect the information provided, such as name, email, and phone number. The sending of marketing emails will only be done with the user’s permission.

3. Consent

We obtain your consent when you accept our privacy policy when accessing the site or filling out any form. After taking the action, we understand that you agree to the data collection by our company.

However, the data subject has the right to, at any time, access, correct, request deletion, request portability, request information sharing, and revoke consent regarding the collected information.

To do so, you can contact us by email or by sending correspondence to Rua Miguel Couto, 134, Room 1006 – ZIP 20070-030 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro/RJ.

4. Security

To protect your personal information, we take precautions and follow the best practices in the field to ensure that data will not be lost, usurped, accessed, disclosed, altered, or improperly destroyed.

Under no circumstances do we sell the data you provide us. When necessary, your data will be shared with companies that provide services to us, such as marketing agencies. However, we may disclose your personal information if required by law.

The data is kept as long as they are useful to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. They will be in a secure and controlled environment and can only be accessed by authorized professionals. Below, check the data of the controller, who is responsible for decisions about the treatment of information:

Name: Navigators of Brazil Medical Center
Address: Rua Miguel Couto, 134, Room 1006 – ZIP 20070-030 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
CNPJ: 12382600000140

5. Third-Party Links

When you click on links, plugins, and applications on our site, you are exposed to third-party privacy policies over which we have no control. Therefore, we encourage you to read their privacy statements.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Therefore, we ask you to review it frequently. If authorized, we can notify you by email of the changes made. The update date will always be in the header of this policy. Previous versions can be accessed in the same place or requested via email